Current Auction

how to bid

You must be registered and be logged in before you will be allowed to bid on any auctions. Click on the buttons below to log in/Register. You only need to register one time.

Once you are logged in you can place a bid.

After placing your bid you will be notified via email that you hold the winning bid. When someone outbids you you will also be notified via email saying so.

You can increase your bid by simply submitting another price.

If it is found that a user is placing bids without the intent to purchase then they will be blocked from placing future bids.

Notice and review the details for each auction before placing a bid (shipping costs, form of payment, the description, size, medium, the images, etc.)

Most auctions have a reserve price that is set pretty low (I set it just high enough to cover my costs). However, if the reserve price isn’t met, the auction will be cancelled and the piece will be auctioned again at a future date.

If you have any questions or run into any issues please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I’d be happy to assist you! You can email me at

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